With one leap, Eddie hopped onto the enormous green leaf. He has never seen such a majestic looking plant. “You are absolutely beautiful!” he said to the poinsettia. “Do you really think so?” she replied timidly. “Oh yes, I do!” Eddie nodded earnestly. Although the poinsettia was happy to hear his words, she looked sadly towards the festive Christmas tree, a magnificent tree decorated in glittering glass baubles, straw stars and candles. “I am completely in his shadow,” she whispered miserably. Eddie’s eyes widened in sorrow for the unhappy flower. He looked from the poinsettia to the Christmas tree and back again, from the Christmas tree to the poinsettia.
And then he had an idea. A truly brilliant idea! He hopped swiftly over to the Christmas tree, grabbed a small box of matches, and began to climb the tree. The poinsettia watched in amazement as he reached the first candle and lit it with a match—and then another, and another, and another. The nimble grasshopper hopped from candle to candle, all the way to the top, where a large star crowned the tree. He was ever so proud of himself up there on high, and called down to the poinsettia: “Look! Now you’re not standing in its shadow, but in its light!” At that, they both laughed and looked happily at the shimmering, glittering joy of the Christmas tree. Often, all you need is a good friend to help you see the beautiful side of life.