They really do make a great team, Eddie and the carrier pigeon. Whenever Eddie wants to send a message to his friends or relatives in far-distant fields, he calls the carrier pigeon—and the sparrows, Lady Nightingale, and all the black-tits in the forest come to help him.
They know what they have to do: they puff out their chests as wide as they can, make a very special chirping sound, and the pigeon rushes to see them as fast as he can fly. Eddie can always rely on them to give him a helping hand. “Crrr…Crrr…Well, Eddie. What is it this time? And where should I take it?” cooed the pretty pigeon gently. With a flick of his hand, Eddie motioned to her to tilt her head down towards him—he didn’t want to say it out loud, and let everybody know who he was writing to. Oh yes, secret letters are secret letters, whether they’re sent by post or by carrier pigeon, there’s no two ways about it!
After Eddie whispered the address into the pigeon’s ear, it discreetly picked up his neatly-folded letter in its beak. It must be something important! The pigeon then gave the little grasshopper a wink, and, with a flap of its wings, took off into the blue skies. Tell me—where do you think the carrier pigeon took Eddie’s letter?